It just goes to show you sometimes “mother nature” can be very funny and somewhat unpredictable.
I was on my second dive at Molokini Crater in Maui, Hawaii and exploring a number of the hard coral searching for octopus or other interesting marine life to get that one interesting shot. I was swimming a bit away from a small group of fellow divers and my ever trusty dive model when I spotted a Hairy Crabs in amongst the hard corals in the crater (sorry I have a soft spot for these somewhat under appreciated crustaceans). These crabs get their name from the “hair” on their claws. Well they were well hidden within the corals and I just could not seem to get the correct angle to get a good photo, so I decided to continue my search for other interesting “prey”. As I looked up to scan other marine life close by I had a very close encounter with what I can only describe as a somewhat amorous Scrawled Filefish.
Evidently as I was trying to get my shot at the crabs, the Scrawled Filefish may have seen its image reflecting off of my dome port. The file fish approached and looked like it was preparing for a kiss or at least a hungry embrace, only to bounce off of my dome port. I just had time to get a shot of the shocked look of a wounded and shunned lover.
I was rolling underwater.
The pool is open…..